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As someone starts to research iodine, they may notice this topic can become complex or confusing rather quickly. This is due to iodine’s versatility and importance across various aspects of life and health. It also has to do with the fashion in which our current medical system operates as well as how commerce, investments and profit work.
Confusion: There is little to no profit in simple natural solutions. If we look at iodine’s history over the past 100 years or so, its been just about systematically removed and replaced with toxic halides. Whether this was done by mistake or maliciously doesn’t change the fact that our diet and environment are loaded with toxic halides, which are able to clog our body up and drag us down. This creates a confusing situation because now economical iodine is in competition with high-profit drugs.
Most doctors sell drugs. Ignoring all of the other details for a sec, simply put, most doctors only function is to figure out which drugs to send someone home with. This means they have a bias towards substances that are patented, and were most likely produced for profit generation. Why invest in research etc otherwise? The insurance company doesn’t give this doctor a method to prescribe nutrition, just drugs. You may understand this, but the majority of people that depend on a general doctor, may not realize nutrient deficiencies may be related to what’s causing them to feel poorly. So now we have a low-profit, high learning-curve nutrient that’s just one more of the many nutrients most doctors ignore.
Complexity: Iodine is part of many processes that trillions of our cells perform all day to keep us, us. If all of our cells have not had proper access to adequate amounts of iodine, they can be very far behind on a lot of important processes. Once we reintroduce iodine, we can potentially cause a huge amount of bio-chemical reactions to take place. Depending how many cells are waiting for only iodine vs cells loaded with toxins vs cells starving for various nutrients, iodine can have a wide range of influence on our cells and systems.
If our cells are fed well and don’t have a large burden of toxicity, finally getting iodine is almost like restoring power to a city of factories. All the resources and materials are ready to go, once the power is on, the factories run and commerce is restored.
If our cells are hungry and toxic, getting these trillions of factories running again can take detective work via various tests, or building an understanding of biochemistry via research. If cells are hungry for nutrients, iodine will most likely increase the demand for nutrients as these cells are recycled via apoptosis and rebuilt.
Dr. Brownstein’s Iodine Protocol recommends a core set of nutrients to help handle these processes. These nutrients are commonly used as our cells regain functionality. Sometimes our cells can be much more depleted and require a lot more nutrients, but even if that’s the case, the iodine protocol can help clean up and rebuild our core pathways, which we’ll need to do anyway if we want to scrub more pathways with more advanced nutrients after researching or working with someone.
- There are various types of iodine in various strengths
- People with thyroid issues may have a little more work to do
- Iodine can cause us to dislodge toxins, which is complex and has a learning curve
- All of this stuff causes our body to need more nutrients, which has a learning curve
- We’ve been led to believe health is impossible and we need to depend on smart people and drugs