Author: Micah Coffey

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Unrefined Salt

Unrefined Salt

As iodine allows more cells to function, their demand for sodium will increase. Another component of salt, chloride, can help us remove bromine which is commonly dislodged by iodine. Article Highlights Iodine Protocol and Salt We need salt and there are a lot of good reasons why There are a handful of different types of…

The Iodine Protocol

The Iodine Protocol

The iodine protocol is a set of nutrients which help us restore our iodine levels. As Dr. Brownstein has worked with patients and successfully helped them restore their iodine levels and regain their health, he has shared some of the common nutrients which help the process. He also works with his patients to address outstanding…

Why is iodine so complex/confusing?

Why is iodine so complex/confusing?

Watch me read this page here As someone starts to research iodine, they may notice this topic can become complex or confusing rather quickly. This is due to iodine’s versatility and importance across various aspects of life and health. It also has to do with the fashion in which our current medical system operates…