Poison Myth

Iodine is a natural element that is required for life, without it, we wouldn’t be here. Iodine itself, within proper dosage, is not toxic. The healing reactions it causes may be why some people think there is an allergic or toxic reaction though.

There are solutions containing iodine that would be toxic to consume, those are not used for health. People have been using Lugols internally and externally since 1829 with great success. There are several other types of iodine used for nutrition.

When we don’t have enough iodine in our body, other elements in the halogen family can set up shop where iodine should be. These other halides(chlorine, fluorine, and bromine) are possible carcinogens and are linked to a ton of health issues. Fluoride alone is a sad story, we’re adding toxic waste from industrial smokestacks to some of our drinking water and products produced with that water. Yet, somehow there is still debate about this being okay or not. This topic has become difficult to research on the net more recently, just one more thing we need to decide on our own.

Ironic to talk about industrial smokestack waste’s negative health impacts being debated while on a page talking about the toxicity myth surrounding a nutrient with tons of benefits. Industrial waste good, miracle nutrients bad, now if we could figure out how 60% of the US has a chronic illness.

It’s got a bad wrap from mainsteam

If you made a couple trillion a year, you’d probably not want your clients knowing about a much cheaper, almost free in comparison, alternative. For one reason or another, lots of doctors are under the impression iodine is toxic or will be bad for thyroid-related issues. It’s not the doctor’s fault, but most of their training does not include nutrition.

In 1948, Drs. Jan Wolff and Lyon Chaikoff reported large amounts of iodine reduced thyroid levels in rats. The problem here is there are many different conditions that can regulate how much iodine we actually absorb and what type of reaction our body has to that. Further tests and studies have pointed to underlying thyroid issues as the most likely cause of the outcome in their reports. Read more about the Wolff–Chaikoff effect.

The DEA wants to control it so people don’t make meth with it

Apparently, one of several methods used in the production of a narcotic called meth utilizes iodine. In 2006 a survey says less than a million people(0.3% of the US population) were using meth regularly. But in 2007 the DEA decided Lugols needed to be regulated, so it wouldn’t be used for illicit purposes.

Yet, in that new regulation, they state:

“DEA currently has no evidence that Lugol’s Solution is diverted as a source of iodine for illicit purposes.” – https://www.deadiversion.usdoj.gov/fed_regs/rules/2007/fr0702.htm

Soooo, why does it need to be regulated?

If it is toxic, it sure is taking a long time to show

Lugols was first produced in 1829, almost 200 years ago. It’s possible a story does exist, but I have yet to find anything about a person being injured(when using it correctly/normal) or dying from iodine. But I have read many stories about people healing various conditions with very, very large doses of iodine.

There have been a handful of people in the online groups that have started this protocol or other nutrient-dense protocols and found themselves in the hospital, calling the paramedics, or just freaking out over either a reaction to detox or just getting more of a certain nutrient than their body can currently handle. Most people having this issue are simply starting with much more of one or more nutrients than their system is able to use at the moment.

If our body really needs the nutrients we provide, it might be ready to carry out a lot of processes that create a mess that demands more energy in order to process. This means we will use a bit of that new nutrient and then have a different situation to clean up, which means our system is going to switch gears away from whatever this nutrient allowed it to do, reducing its ability to use more of it for now. So if we continue to take more and more of that nutrient, we could be slowly overwhelming our system with it. This is where something called Pulse Dosing can come in handy.

Finding the positive

I was on the fence about ingesting iodine for months. I finally got my mind past this by reading tons of successful healing stories in online forums. There are a bunch of Facebook groups you can join and then search for past stories. While reading these healing stories, please keep in mind that these people are most likely from many different parts of the world and walks of life than us. They also could have potentially been bedridden for a long time and finally able to function again, which could leave them explaining things slightly differently.

Sometimes if we read people’s stories too literally, they don’t sound very appealing. Sometimes people are trying to express the frustration they have, push back against another person’s views, or just want to complain, which can make things sound worse as well.

Once we know how to navigate the groups and people’s stories, the information can be priceless as we learn about nutrition.

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March 24, 2022

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